It was mid-March 2021 when Erin and I were sketching the initial wireframes of feimso at my apartment. What feimso initially was and would soon become was all there; between hundreds of notes, raw drawings, prints of reports from the fashion industry, surveys, case studies, data, research… and dreams. Big dreams on top of a messy table waiting to come into life in this beautiful online platform called feimso: a digital adaptation of the fashion industry, all in one place for people and retailers to use, connect, have fun and make money from it. But most of all, have a voice in this mega universe of trends, fast fashion and transactions.

The fashion industry is one of the most globalized industries in the world in terms of the flow of goods, services, and people. If you wear clothes, you are part of the fashion industry. If you are a small shop that sells accessories you are part of it too.
From the small boy that wants a Halloween costume, to the girl that has nothing to wear for her birthday, the new mum who needs new clothes for each stage of her pregnancy, the groom that will need a new suit for his big day, the grandmother that has so many vintage, unused pieces in her wardrobe… Everyone, everywhere is a part of the fashion world. It’s a known fact that fashion impacts so many levels of our everyday life, both short and long term.
Therefore we need to have a say rather than be on the back end of it, waiting to be served. Most importantly, now more than ever, people need to make a difference with their choices of fashion, free from the controlling pressures dictated by the fashion industry.
We all know and understand fashion is a personal choice and enhances human life.
It’s a superpower we all have but unfortunately don’t pay much attention to, when we are immersed in our day to day life. We silence this superpower, brushing it off, because it takes multiple steps for us to take action on our beliefs. With what is happening around us, not everyone has the time, the focus, the energy. If only there was an easy way to be involved…
That was our dream in that small apartment in Auckland CBD.

What we at feimso are doing, is creating a virtual space where individuals, retailers, designers, fashion professionals, everyone that has an interest in the fashion world can express their own voice, have fun, be political, reflective and contribute to our societies in small or big causes in a natural simple way.
Via feimso, people will be able to support a brand, a certain designer, their community or a movement. Their interaction can affect the environment by promoting sustainability or supporting mental health awareness. Allowing people to be creative, entertained, to love, accept and be themselves without the need to hurry after the newest trends is important to us. And while we are at it, why not bring value to our lesser assets, have access inside millions of wardrobes and make some money.
When the time comes for us to go live, all you need to do is have a personal or a business account on feimso and start showcasing who you are , interact with others, list what you have, promote your skills, collaborate, live fashion on your terms and have unlimited choices at your fingertips. Everyone that has an account, has the ability to be whoever they want and use fashion however they like, whilst creating wealth and connecting with each other locally or globally. We are dreamers. 'Connecting the people with the industry, empowering them with unlimited access and creating a place for fashion where they can distribute wealth and have a voice' is our mission. Together we can change the fashion world for the better. With your help, today’s dream can be our tomorrow’s reality.

Ina Feimi